Another way is to:
1. Create in the /home partition directories like /home/bin, /home/doc,
2. Move stuff from /usr/bin, /usr/doc, etc. to those directories.
3. Replace /usr/bin, /usr/doc, etc. by soft links to /home/bin, /home/doc,

This way, the partitions don't have to be reformatted at all.

On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Gavrie Philipson wrote:

> Mike wrote:
> > 
> > Hi list.
> > I partitioned my disk to have 2.5 GB on /home and only 600+ on /usr
> > /home and /usr are NOT close to each other (sda2,sda3).
> > 
> > Is there any way to enlarge the /usr partition (using the /home partition)
> > without damaging the partitions ?
> > In the worst case i can delete the /home partition....painful but can live
> > with that.
> GNU parted is supposed to be able to do that correctly.
> You might also want to try (commercial) Partition Magic, as it's more
> user friendly.
> However, the docs for both products advise to back up your data before
> resizing partitions. For example, if you lose power in the middle of
> resizing, your data may very well be dead.
> Gavrie.
                                             --- Omer
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