At 21:19 8/13/00 +0000, Subba Rao wrote:

>I am pretty new to GNOME. My .xinitrc has gnome-session at the end.
>What I am looking for is virtual desktops (like I had in FVWM2). I would like
>that available on the desktop or in the panel(if that's what it is called) on
>the bottom.
>Where can I find some sample configurations on how to setup virtual destops in

At 21:19 8/13/00 +0000, you wrote:

>I am pretty new to GNOME. My .xinitrc has gnome-session at the end.
>What I am looking for is virtual desktops (like I had in FVWM2). I would like
>that available on the desktop or in the panel(if that's what it is called) on
>the bottom.
>Where can I find some sample configurations on how to setup virtual destops in

GNOME supports virtual desktops very well. To have them on the panel, you 
need to put there an applet of some sort which I forgot its name. Somewhere 
in the GNOME "foot" menus, you can find it. Just make sure you see a square 
on the panel and next to it a button for each opened application.

Next, you'll need to configure your windows manager. In Enlightenment, 
(which is the default window manager in the Red Hat packaging of GNOME and 
basically GNOME 1.0.x), you need to run the Enlightenment configuration 
utility, and set it up. You can run it by accessing the Windows Managers 
Tab of the control-center and then selecting Enlightenment and pressing the 
"Configure Window's Maanger" button.

If you are using IceWM (which AFAIK is the default for Mandrake), you 
should use icepref to do that. icepref is a Python/Gtk+ program so you need 
to have both Python and the Python bindings for Gtk+ installed.

GNOME 1.2.x works with the Sawfish windows manager, which I did not have 
any experience with. It should have a configuration applet for GNOME, too.

Contact me by E-mail, if you encounter further problems.

         Shlomi Fish

>Thank you in advance.
>Subba Rao
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