Actually, if you read the GPL, you will find it is perfectly legal for
them to sell this product and not offer anyone the option to download for
free. All the GPL requires them to do is to make the sources available to
anyone who has legally obtained the binaries from them.

Assuming that all the software on the SUSE CD is under the GPL, you can
buy a copy and offer anyone else the option to download it for free from
your site. But that is not SUSE's responsibility to provide this

All legal stuff aside, it is customery to allow people to download a free
version of Linux distributions.


Oren Held wrote:

> Hello All
> I think it's a real 'hutzpa' that SuSE started selling version 7.0
> already,
> but still doesn't let people download.
> 99% of the programs there were made by volunteers (GPL and all this),
> and they cost money for it, and don't let people get it.
> Cya,
> Oren.
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