On Mon, 25 Dec 2000, Ben-Nes Michael wrote:

> Hi
> does any one know if postgresl (7) support hebrew charset ? (sorting,
> group ... )
> If so, what is the way to enable it ?

    there is a "locale"-ized extension for postgres. I don't know how the
    right-left dilemna is handled though for, say, a field that would have
    a content of mixed hebrew/latin chars...
    another problem, as far as I understood, is that mixing different localised
    databases seem not possible without splitting in as many processes/IP
    port as different "locale" in use.

    though I decided not even to test, but if someone can infirmate those
    though, I'd rather be happy !

   (А-  --il n'y a pas d'helice, helas !            )\._.,--....,'``. 
   //\          et oui ! c'est la qu'est l'os !--  /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
   v_/_        (the big vadrouille, 1944)         `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

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