On Thu, Feb 01, 2001, Eli Marmor wrote about "Beta Testers are Required":
> The system requirements for testing VMW are:
> 1. A Linux machine - RedHat 6.2 (other releases are not currently supported)

I'm curious why people still use Redhat 6.2. I've been using Redhat 7.0
since a couple of days after its release about half a year ago, and it is a
very good, and very stable release (of course, make sure to apply all the
updates released since, but that also applies to version 6.2, or any version
for that matter). Redhat 7.0 together with its "Powertools" disk contain so
much useful stuff that wasn't available in 6.2, that I'm amazed why people
stick to 6.2, or worse - install 6.2 on new systems (just the other day
somebody on this list asked for a 6.2 CD to install on a new system!).

Even the most notorious feature of Redhat 7.0, its unofficial gcc version,
isn't a problem for 99.9% of the users. Even developers (like myself) will
probably never have a problem. Only people who want to release binaries and/or
libraries may ever face the incompatibility problem.

Nadav Har'El                        |      Thursday, Feb 1 2001, 9 Shevat 5761
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