why woudl you want to make iso out of them?
use one of teh autoupgrade packages that download and install new rpms

Ely Levy
System group
Hebrew University 
Jerusalem Israel

On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Nadav Har'El wrote:

|  On Mon, Feb 26, 2001, Arieh Bibliowicz wrote about "Distributions":
|  > Hi there! I want to download RH7 from the iglu ftp, and there are like 8
|  > ISOs... can anyone tell me which is for wat (some are easy...) I attach the
|  > list:
|  >
|  > 7.0-i386-disc1.iso
|  > 7.0-i386-disc2.iso
|  You don't need these two - use respin instead (re-spin is an updated
|  version of Redhat 7, especially regarding the installation procedure).
|  In my opinion, these two files can be removed from the ftp site.
|  > 7.0-i386-docs-8bit.iso
|  You probably won't need this - the standard installation already installs
|  manual pages. Perhaps you'll need this if you're looking for more significant
|  documentation, and don't mind the extra day it will take you to download
|  another 650MB (!) from iglu...
|  > 7.0-i386-powertools.iso
|  If you can spare a CD and download time, I recommend you get powertools too.
|  Powertools are extra packages that Redhat considers less "canonical" than
|  what it includes in the standard install, but many arestill useful and very
|  easy to install. For example, you'll find there openMotif (a graphic library
|  you may need for some applications), ddd (the best debugger UI for Linux,
|  in my opinion), curl, bsd-games, a2ps, bitchx, bsd-games, cam, gnat,
|  mailman,nethack, povray. If you don't know what most of these are, get
|  a bigger hard disk, install them all, and see for yourself :)
|  > 7.0-i386-respin-disc1.iso
|  > 7.0-i386-respin-disc2.iso
|  This ones you should definitely get - you must have these two CDsin order
|  to install Redhat 7 (the second one is NOT optional, and doesn't contain "less
|  imporant" stuff, although it does contain much less stuff than the first).
|  > 7.0-i386-respin-SRPMS.iso
|  > 7.0-i386-SRPMS.iso
|  These are the sources of everything. Unless you really need them (or don't
|  care about the download time and media cost), don't get them.
|  > 7.0-i386-upgrade.iso
|  I have no idea what that one is, or what it upgrades from. Don't get it.
|  Also, DONT FORGET TO DOWNLOAD ALL THE UPDATES from redhat, which are
|  not included above! Without that, your system will be full of security
|  holes like a sieve. This advice is not specific to Redhat 7 - it's true
|  for every distribution out there, because since Redhat 7 came out people
|  found serious security holes in many basic packages.
|  It's possible to mirror Redhat's update directory, and even automatically
|  (using mkisofs) create an .iso out of them - does the iglu ftp have that?
|  --
|  Nadav Har'El                      |         Monday, Feb 26 2001, 3 Adar 5761
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]           |-----------------------------------------
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