YR>>   I believe you're missing a crucial point. I believe that
YR>> wu-ftpd does not only verify that a certain IP address has a PTR
YR>> record, but it also ensures that the PTR's respective A record
YR>> is identical to the original IP address. The previous statement

So? That's why I wrote "If I also own harder.com, you will never know what
happens". If I control both PTR and A records, I can match them on
whatever values I want. And, contrary to IP, these values don't have to be
meaningful - they just have to end on registered domain name - which I
control, so all your complaints you will be sending to the same person
that is responsible for your problems.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      \/  There shall be counsels taken
Stanislav Malyshev      /\  Stronger than Morgul-spells
phone +972-3-9316425    /\              JRRT LotR.
http://sharat.co.il/frodo/      whois:!SM8333

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