On 20-May-2001 Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> On Sat, 19 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I have what is probably a **silly** problem, but here it is. Although I have
>> Hebrew fonts and can see Hebrew in both directions using Konqueror on sites
>> like Walla, Ynet, Maariv, and many others, **DAVKA** on IGLU, I can't see
>> Hebrew (not that there is very much).
>> I'm attaching a snapshot - the quality is very poor, but I wanted to save
>> bandwith so I compressed as much as I could (10% JPG).
> What about:
> http://www.iglu.org.il:8080/Control_Panel/Products/Squishdot/IGLU/969137260/96
> 9287917/969374453/index_html
> Does it display well?

Yes - perfectly. 
As I said before, I only have this problem on the IGLU home page (not other

> What font do you use for iso-8859-8 in konquror?

standard = ariel   -  fixed = courier  ---  I've tried different fonts but
it still doesn't work

But here's something strange (and I don't know if there's a connection). When I
go into the settings --> configure Konqueror --> Konqueror browser -->
appearance menu, the charset is always back to iso8859-1 even after setting it
to iso8859-8. 

> -- 
> Tzafrir Cohen
> http://www.technion.ac.il/~tzafrir

Shlomo Solomon
Date: 20-May-2001   Time: 19:27:58

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