On Sun, 25 Nov 2001, guy keren wrote:

> hi,
> i need to help some company upgrade some machines from RH 6.2 to RH 7.X .
> on the surface, i think upgrading to RH 7.2 should be done, even thought
> its a bit new. the reason is that i didn't hear of problems with it - yet.
> however, if i hear there are problems there, then i'd stick to redhat 7.1.
> so, if anyone has experience with redhat 7.2, i'd appreciate your your
> comments.
> thanks,

Redhat 7.2 is really Redhat 8.0 - Lots of surprises that should not be in
a minor release, like iproute's "ip" instead of "ifconfig". The first 
time you change an IP addresss in
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and then restart S10network 
you think something's gone wrong with your network card. Why didn't it 
get the new IP address?. Watch out for the default ipchains firewalling
that they slip in also. This fakes out a lot of folks who can't figure out
why they can't simply mount an NFS file system. Also, be sure to snoop
around in /etc/sysconfig, some stuff moved there that used to be
otherwise. It's really very poor configuration management on Redhat's
part IMHO. You might even think of staying with 7.1, it's much more
friendly to 6.2 users than 7.2.
My 2c,

 - yba

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