On Sun, Dec 02, 2001, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote about "Re: Problems when linking against 
the profiled libc":
> Shlomi Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > When invoking the following command:
> > 
> > gcc -Wall -o mptest -L. test_multi_parallel.o -lfcs -lm -pg -lc_p
> I don't think you should use -lc_p explicitly. Using -pg in the link
> command should link the right library

No, I think Shlomi is right. In Linux, at least, -pg when linking *doesn't*
take profiling versions of the C libraries. Whether this is justified or not,
it is arguable (AT&T Unix did do what you describe). In Linux (at least
Red Hat Linux) you don't even have to install the profiling libraries,
which come in the glibc-profile package (which takes over 35 megabytes
on your hard disk, so non-developers shouldn't even install it).
You also have libm_p, and other similar libraries compiled with profiling

I just tested this on a "hello world", and indeed what I just said seems
to be true: without the explicit -lc_p (but with -pg) none of the libc
functions (like printf) got counted, and only main() got counted. With
the explicit -lc_p (and -pg), many libc functions like printf(), write(),
exit(), etc., got counted in that program.

> > to `__libc_internal_tsd_set@@GLIBC_2.0' is a loop
> What version of glibc are you using? You would probably do well
> upgrading from 2.0. I am not sure that this is what causes your
> problem, but...

The same problem happens in Redhat 7.2's glibc 2.2.4-19.

> It works for me (checked on RH7.1, Linux 2.4.9-12):

I don't think this problem existed on Redhat 7.1. It does on Redhat 7.2,
though. It's probably a bug in the linker...

> $ cat > hello.c
> #include <stdio.h>
> int main(void)
> {
>         printf("Hello, world!\n");
>         return 0;
> }
> $ gcc -pg hello.c -lc

Hey, you didn't use -lc_p - no wonder you didn't have compilation problems ;)

> Profiling works just fine, and I don't use -static explicitly.

And you didn't use -lc_p, and you probably didn't see any other function
besides main() in the profiling results...

Nadav Har'El                        |      Sunday, Dec  2 2001, 17 Kislev 5762
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
Phone: +972-53-245868, ICQ 13349191 |The human mind is like a parachute - it
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |functions better when it is open.

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