Alex Chudnovsky wrote:

>>now  - wouldn't it save me 25 min. of radiating my had with the cell
>>phone because i don't have phone the pc, and a bruto of 1 hour from my
>>time waiting on the phone, if  they would only try to check my user on
>>the server FROM THE BEGINNING?
>Support monkey has THE SCRIPT - do this, this, this and this. The goal is "to 
>put the client off the phone in the minimal time". If support monkey holds 
>you on the phone for 40 minutes trying to understand that Linux thingie,  
>instead of 10 as according to the script, he/she risks to be proclaimed 
>inefficient and fired. This issue has been discussed very widely on various 
Just so that someone hears a good word for a change, but we all seem to 
like that ISP anyways.

My parents left their apartment for two months because of refurbishing, 
and simultaniously had their computer reformatted due to virus (I'm 
talking about W2K). They have an ADSL with Actcom. When I tried to 
reconnect them, I couldn't. I only had the old ADSL howto (from the time 
it was free), and naturally, no WOW software.

I called Actcom's support. It was 9pm on a weekend. The guy understood 
that I was not a novice, and started to give shortcuts (instead of 
"click the start, go to settings...." he said "open the dial-up 
configuration). He was once or twice even too much ahead of me, to the 
point he had to come back a little. The entire thing took less than five 
minutes to get working again (this actually was a configuration error on 
my part).


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