> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of guy keren
> Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 1:24 AM
> To: Tzahi Fadida
> Cc: Malcolm Kavalsky; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: pthreads question
> On Sat, 16 Mar 2002, Tzahi Fadida wrote:
> > > how? what if one 'syncronized' method calls another in a 
> different class,
> > > and that other object is also synchronized, and calls the 
> first one? how
> > > does java handle this? in theory, it should deadlock. if java 
> recognizes
> > > this and throws an exception - the deadlock is not 'prevented'. it is
> > > 'reported' (which is good). and its the kind of exception 
> that cannot be
> > > dealt with inruntime - if you could, you'd write the code without
> > > introducing deadlocks in the first place ;)
> >
> > Well, if you are trying so hard to make a deadlock, i am sure we can
> > find a way to acommodate u :).
> that _is_ the nature of deadlocks. show me how java's mechanism help
> prevent deadlocks, please. give a concrete example - talking in the air
> and hand-waving are not acceptable proof techniques ;)

There are mechanisms, its a matter of using them correctly. impling u can still create 
deadlocks if you make realy big beginners mistakes, i am not stating that u can 
completely eliminate deadlocks automagically in JAVA, just that its easily and 
'naturally' avoidable in this particular language.

> > but seriously, u can make a deadlock if u
> > so insist, but it would only be by a realy bad design.
> deadlocks are _always_ a sign of bad design. in any language.

Not so, its a matter of weighing performance agains safety. If there wasn't a 
performance problem, we could ideally create the ultimate design. But since we live in 
the real world, a bad/good design is a point of view under the circumstances.

> > besides, u can alway just define a volatile array of bits that will
> > indicate if an obeject is in its critical section, and thus any object
> > trying to enter its critical section will check if its set of resources
> > is free and if not he will just call wait().(which is better than a
> > spinlock, unless u r directing for smp). and on exit just notifyall()
> > will be the safest. no more worries. Simplicity at its best.
> this is not something that rpevents _deadlocks_. deadlocks, by their
> nature, cannot be solved by 'waiting'. do refer to the dining
> philosopheres for a hint.

I know the philosophers problem, and the solution is as i suggested (1 of several), if 
u first check if ur sticks are free and only start to eat if u hold two of them and in 
the event u don't u drop the one u hold (or as i suggested wait() Before entering the 
critical section and be awakened by either philosopher on ur left and right). besides, 
by tracking ur resources before entering critical sections, u can break circular 
waits, etc. 
Although, as i mentioned in my first email, starvation is still a problem u need to 
solve for urself, cz i don't know what language/library provides an automated 
mechanism that will prevent starvation while not creating a deadlock. In JAVA 2.0 the 
notify() solves starvation but can create a deadlock, on the other hand notifyall() 
can prevent deadlocks but create starvation. I think, though that starvation is easier 
to deal with from a programmer point of view, because its not hard to setup some 
simple aging mechanism.

> > > java - simplify debbuging? these things don't go well together. java
> > > environments are noturious for having slow and annoying 
> debuggers, to the
> > > level that many people preferusing println-s instead of launching te
> > > debugger.
> >
> > I meant that, by not falling for the begginners (and intermidates mind
> > u) of c/c++ pitfalls, which usually are the cause for the debugging. as
> > for the tools, thats a problem, i know. but if u don't have many bugs,
> > and u already use printf in c/c++ for thread debugging then i think its
> > an improvement.
> i didn't say i don't use a debugger at all. i still use it for quite a few
> problems. just not for the hard synchronization problems ;) (but i still
> can use it to debug deadlocks, by attaching to the deadlocked process and
> viewing the stacks of all threads. and also to identify crashing matters,
> by viewing a core dump with the debugger. true, i won't get code dumps
> with java unless i realy try hard enough).

granted. Just wanted to add that debugging the way u describe is not trivial to most 
programmers(if i can make that assumption, so i will be cautious on that one).

> > > > not to mention the safe environment you are using. But 
> again, you will
> > > > loose performance.
> > >
> > > there's a price for everything. but that said, indeed, 
> threading in java
> > > seems to come up pretty cheap. ofcourse, that's relevant if 
> you can afford
> > > using java.
> >
> > Well, thats Another aspect. I think that if u are a good
> > designer/programmer u will use the best tool for the job, and not just
> > stick to "what u know".
> when i said 'if you can afford to use java', i didn't imply 'if you can
> afford learning java'. i refered to 'can afford' in overhead (both space
> and time), in ability/need to use specific 3rd-party products, etc.
> and if you like slagish GUIs ;) (java seems to make more sense on the
> server side, it seems).

granted. no contest there. p.s: can u give me an example of a widely used java server, 
which is
an advantage over a C implementation...?

> --
> guy
> "For world domination - press 1,
>  or dial 0, and please hold, for the creator." -- nob o. dy
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