On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 12:25:20AM +0300, guy keren wrote:
> On Tue, 28 May 2002, Yedidyah Bar-David wrote:
> > My problem: I can't use an analog modem with the microfilter bezeq
> > gave me for adsl, e.g. I can't send a fax while being connected to
> > adsl. When I try, the modem says 'NO DIALTONE'.
> did you try to use the modem as a normal modem (NOT a fax)? i have an
> 28.8Kbps modem which i once (or twice) used through the microfilter, while
> the ADSL connection was _NOT_ in use.

I opened minicom and typed atdtnumber. It didn't start dialing.

> what dial speed are you trying to use your modem with? a 9.6Kbps fax
> connection? or what?

It's a 56K, but I do not think it affects the dialing.

> the microfilter i have here has no model written on it - only a serial
> number, and a bezeq serial number.
> also, what is this 'BT' connection? are you refering to the 'english'
> connector, as opposed to the 'american' connector that connects into the
> phone itself? i don't know how the wiring is set in this cable - its not
> transparent, and its hard to see through.

Yes. I searched a bit, and found at least 2 different cables for sale
on the net - one as the one I got with the modem and the other the
*opposite* of the one I got with the phone.
Since the cables and the English connector are not transparent, I had
to check with a tester.

> > I also tried, on the same line, a regular phone, which also works.
> > BTW, the cable that came with the phone, which has, of course, the
> > same connectors, has different wiring: 1-3 4-2, and the modem doesn't
> > work with it (and the phone doesn't work with the modem's cable).
> in my case, the wire that i used with the modem is the same as the one i
> use with the phone (a "pre"-version of the 'zamir' phones, it seems, with
> some odd behaviour).
> -- 
> guy
> "For world domination - press 1,
>  or dial 0, and please hold, for the creator." -- nob o. dy

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