On Thursday 03 October 2002 23:56, Meir Michanie wrote:
> Hi list:
> I installed rh8 and xmms was unable to play mp3,
> running rpm -ql xmms I saw that libmpeg123.so and  libmpeg123.la was
> missing from the packet. So I copied from another machine running rh7.3
> Isn't it weird?

From  http://www.xmms.org/ :

Redhat 8 + Can't play mp3's?
Oct 02, 2002 

If you are using Redhat 8 and the supplied RPMS of XMMS you will find that it 
is not possible to load any mp3 files. Redhat was supposed to have a 
placeholder plugin informing you of the change, but that seems to have gone 
 Available >> here << is some additional information and a mpg123 RPM for 
Redhat 8 installation of XMMS.

 Hopefully, I've made myself clear on this subject, since Redhat apparently 
failed to get their message through.

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