On Sat, 7 Dec 2002, Ira Abramov wrote:

> as for Internet = Mirshetet... oh ouch. I've been toying with the idea
> of calling it "Ravreshet" for a few years now but never offered it to
> the Academy. I still prefer its sound, plus it's echoing the inter
> prefix relations of the origin = Net/Reshet, INTERnet/RAVreshet.

Prefixes, and to a lesser extent sufixes, are not as common in Hebrew.
Hebrew is a language where words are usually created by the way of
Shoresh+Binyan. As for other words: anybody uses "Sakh-Rakhok"? ;-)

Anyway, it is not such a bad word. If it catches on, it will be a
resonable word. Think of "Mitsnefet". Heck, "internet" is a new word to
the English language.

Tzafrir Cohen

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