Quoting Shlomi Fish, from the post of Thu, 09 Jan:
> >
> > > We can easily go to Nando's instead. They serve only various variations of
> > > Chicken and other entrees, but the food is very good.

most restaurants (even japanese) which are not veggie or kosher-dairy
serve "only" chicken and other things. I'm sorry. the logic structure of
that sentence cracked me :)

> I suppose you can order a fries plate and some soup there. I don't think
> most of us eat Glatt meat, and I know someone who is opposed to glatt
> kosher restaurants.

OK, enough is enough. this thread alternates between making me hungry
and grossing me out with all the talk of Sushi and fast/junk food
withing the same paragraph. it's also off-topic, take it to some Haifux
list. yiish!

Second hand smoker trying to cut back
Ira Abramov

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