I will have to agree with Amir Tal.
You need to have the following routnig table prior to pptp connection:

1. route to your local Aruzei zahav network :  route add -net 10.x.y.z 
netmask gw ARUZEY_zahav_GW interface eth0

2.route to your Internet_Zahav pptp server:    route add -host 
IP_of_inet_zahav_pptp gw ARUZEY_zahav_GW interface eth0

3.standart local route through "lo" interface.

4.(optional) you can add a route to aruzey zahav dns server here :route 
add -host AZAHAV_DNS_SERVER gw ARUZEY_zahav_GW  interface eth0

5. run "route -n" to check if you have a default gw, if you do - DELETE 
it. you don't need it anymore 'cause you have static routes to everywhere 
you need.

6 .now run pptp client with all of the parameters , if you chose not to 
apply paragraph 4 use IP address for IneternetZahav pptp server.
use ifconfig to see when the ppp0 interface is brought up.
use "route -n" to see if "pptp" client added the new DEFAULT gw.
if you don't see it add it using: route add default gw interface ppp0  # 
I took the address from your first mail.

what you will have is static routes to the local network and pptp server 
and default route through pptp server to the rest of the

I will be helpful if you will send the output of the process from the 
beginning to the end.

Boris Ratner.
ps:Call me if there are problems or complications.

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