Quoth Oleg Goldshmidt on Tue, Mar 25, 2003:
> Mark Veltzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > If i am not mistaken - this in not so in ANSI C [i might be mistaken...
> > > the ritchie&ker. book is not so clear about this point]
> It gives a warning about shadowing. I don't know what the standard
> says about it. For all I know, it may be implementation-dependent or 
> undefined. Don't do it.

I'm *definitely* not a language lawyer, but I looked at the draft
and it seems to me that shadowing is legal.  In any case, *if*
such construct is legal, *then* shadowing must work.

> > > how compliant is gcc with ansi?
> Very.


> In any case, I strongly suggest you avoid things like this in your
> code.

Seconded.  Whether it's legal or not, it's confusing, and
therefore not advised.


There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a
                -- Arthur C. Clarke

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