While installing my package that depends on kernel 2.4.18 Release 37.7.x
(a fictional release that does not exist and obviously I do not have
installed, therefore the installation should fail)...

# rpm -i mypackage.rpm -vv
D: opening  db index       /var/lib/rpm/Providename create mode=0x42
D:   YES    A kernel = 2.4.18   B kernel = 2.4.18-37.7.x
.. rpm installation succeeds.

Now, rpm -qa |grep kernel shows this:

#rpm -qa kernel

Whereas rpm.org's documentation explicitly says:
On: http://www.rpm.org/max-rpm/s1-rpm-depend-manual-dependencies.html
The following:
We can get even more specific and require a particular release of a

requires: bar >= 2.7-4, baz = 2.1-1

My spec had this:
Requires:       kernel = 2.4.18-37.7.x

Any idea why this unsatisfied-dependency (due-to-incorrect-release) does
not fail?

My RPM version is 4.0.3, on a stock RH7.2

Miki Shapiro <aris at pharoe dot com>
Unixophilic Software Developer
Tel: +972-(56)-322433  ICQ: 3EE853
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