Shalom all!

A few months back I mentioned that I had been in contact with MK Miki Eitan about his IT Chug, which is wider than just IT. (I am a memeber of the Merkaz HaLikud, Chativat Manhigut Yehudit)

In a brief email exchange with Miki Eitan last week, I raised again, the issue of the use of Open Software in the educational system. In reply, he requested from me specific topics for the first meeting of the Chug.

Over the last few months there has been extensive discussion of the issue by list members, who are generally more knowledgable and technically savy than I am. I therefore have no interest is "stealing someone else's thunder". What I would like to do is to get contributors to the discussion to provide me with a *** VERY *** short summary of their veiws, and suggestions as to what should be presented, with priorities.

I'd like to get back to Miki within 48 hours.

Take this as an opening to get something done - Open Politics if you like.

Since I don't have unlimited time and resources for this, do keep replies brief, to the point and nothing that's not relevant to what this list is all about.

Kol tuv,


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