Shlomi Fish wrote on 2003-07-25:

> On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, Beni Cherniavsky wrote:
> > Shlomi Fish wrote on 2003-07-25:
> >
> > >
> > > Hi!
> > >
> > > I have some Hebrew filenames on my Windows partitions. I need to export
> > > them to Samba, so I set the mount options to:
> > >
> > > <<<
> > > /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-8,codepage=862,umask=022 0 0
> > > /dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-8,codepage=862,umask=022 0 0
> > > >>>
> > >
> > > Now, I want Konqueror to display them as Hebrew filenames. However at the
> > > moment it displays them in iso8859-1. Please don't tell me about mounting
> > > the vfatpartitions as utf8, and using KDE_UTF8_FILENAMES - it is not an
> > > option (due to the Samba sharing).
> > >
> > Fisrt, why is it not an option ;-?Can't samba be told to recode the
> > names from UTF-8 to iso8859-8?I'm not updated on samba 3.0 but AFAIK
> > it should support it well, perhaps even samba 2 will be OK.
> >
> In that case, it would be an option.
The best option IMHO.  If you want to have hebrew filenames, you need
to encode them in some way and you need to match it to your unix
locale.  In the long term everybody will migrate to UTF-8 so the
sooner the better...

Some googling showed me that only samba >=3.0 supports UTF-8.

> > Second, konqueror should show files according to the current locale.
> > What does ``locale`` show you currently?
> $ locale
> LANG=en_US
> ...
This surely can't work.  In this locale hebrew characters have no

> > Try exporting ``LANG=he_IL`` and/or ``LC_CTYPE=he_IL`` and check
> > how it works with konqueror.
> >
> With either env var or both set it still does not display the filenames
> with Hebrew characters.
Perhaps you don't have the he_IL locale.  What distro do you have?
Someone who knows how to generate locales please chime in here ;-).

Beni Cherniavsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If I don't hack on it, who will?  And if I don't GPL it, what am I?
And if it itches, why not now?  [With apologies to Hillel ;]

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