Next Monday (18/08/2003), 18:30, the Haifa Linux Club will once again
meet to hear Iftach Hyams talk about:

                  Real Time and RT in Linux
           an introduction to the python programming language

A draft of the slides (for the impatient amongst you) is available at

This is also Haifux's birthday party: Haifux is 4 years old!
After the lecture we intend to celebrate at a restaurant (where
free-breathing air is available, in addition to food).

You are all invited! More info on how to get to the meeting etc. at
the haifux website:

Future lectures include:

Aug 25  - Arranging "Welcome to Linux" and InstaParty, by Haifux members
Sep 1   - Pseudo-, quasi-, and real random numbers, by Oleg Goldshmidt
Sep 15  - SPAM - Everyone's Favorite Food (spam filtering), by Aviram Jenik
Sep 29  - Tcl/Tk, by Shimon Panfil, Ph. D.

We are always looking for interesting lecture ideas. Have a subject
you want to talk about? or a subject you'd like to hear someone else
talk about? email us.
Orna Agmon

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