Hi list,

I'm writing a portable set of classes for a network application
(the classes will be reused) for Win32 and Linux. I don't wish to
use external libraries since those are simple primitives.

I'm generally using some #ifdef statements (although I've minimized their
use using a header file for a class and 2 source files (one per platform).

Now, as it seems, #ifdef doesn't support something like this:

#if defined(..)
#elif defined(..)

I only recently discovered the GNU preprocessor actually supports those (hehe, dumb, i know..) but I was wondering if anyone knows the earliest version of Linux in which this set of directives is supported on. (I would like to be able to compile this thing on RH6.2, for example).

My biggest concern is portability. I'd like to make sure the code compiles
nicely on any system this thing is going to be compiled on :)

Thanks to anyone who might know.



A related question I once posted was how to detect the platform on which
a program is compiled on. Seems there are plenty of macros defined in
various platforms. Encountered a few good ones in Doxygen's headers :).

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