I was hoping for some pointers about writing filesystems under Linux (preferably under 

General purpose, as in all-round good performance. small/big files, heterogenous 
network, etc. I want both:
dd if=/mnt/myFS/mybigfile of=/myext2/b bs=10M count=200
cd /mnt/myFS/src/linux && make bzImage
find /mnt/myFS -name "*" -print > /dev/null
to not suffer too much from being run on a distributed filesystem.

Official Flamer/Cabal NON-Leader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Quoth sdmj kjh:

> I need to develop a (network-)distributed file system, for Linux. How
> do I go about doing that?

Yerk, you're climbing a high mountain.

> I know I need to write:
> 1. kernel code (preferably as a module) to register as a VFS provider
> (is wording accurate?)
> 2. user-space daemons (much like NFS) to handle
> all that which doesn't have to take place inside the kernel.

You need to decide whether you're NAS or SAN (i.e. file or block
access). You need to decide locking semantics. You need to decide
caching semantics. Once you do that, you can start pushing code.
Also - you could do it entirely in userspace...

> I also know that there's a raw-device-over-network (see NBD) approach
> and a file-system-over-network (see samba) approach. Which do you
> believe is better suited for a general purpose distributed file
> system?

General purpose in what sense? There are too many general purposes.


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