Hi again,

I just wanted to add that:

1) Gurus do not have to arrive to the installers meeting. It is only for
installers candidates only (Gurus will solve specific problems, answer
questions and won't necessarily install Linuxes).
2) Any candidate who can't arrive to the installers meeting, should tell
me about it in the first place, and if we need more installers after the
installation meeting - he will know about it once the meeting is over.

Once again - feel free to reply and send your comments to me.

Best regards.

On Mon, 3 Nov 2003, Adir Abraham wrote:

> Hi all,
> As you know - the Linux Day arrives and we have to choose installers for
> the instaparty. Among all those who wish to arrive and wish to install,
> and for the sake of order - we have to know in advance, who are going to
> be the installers. Among those who who plan to become an installer - only
> 15-20 will be chosen, while we plan to have at least 15 dynamic and active
> installers. This is because we will not have more than 20 stands, we
> wish to stay with the same installers most of the time, and because of
> other reasons that can't be published here.
> Just to make it clear - when I write "to install" (later on in the email)
> - it means "to install to others". You can arrive, ofcourse, as an
> installee (someone who gets installed Linux in his/her computer), so if
> you plan to be an installee - this email is probably not for you.
> If you plan to be an installer, please send me ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> your details, with the subject "LINUX DAY INSTALLER" (yes, with caps
> lock on. I don't want to miss your email by mistake) - up to next Sunday
> (9/11/2003) the following details:
> 1) Your first name and family name.
> 2) Age.
> 3) Where you live (city, etc. I don't need exact address).
> 4) Cellular phone number (it's critical for the Linux party. If you
>    don't hold a cellular phone - please note it).
> 5) When you plan to arrive and for how long you plan to stay(!).
> 6) Relevant expertise in installations (have you ever installed a Linux
>    distribution? and if so, where? etc.)
> Please note that as a candidate -
> 1) You have to send me the details above. If I don't know your name, or
> any other information is missing, and/or you arrive to the installers
> meeting and/or to the Linux day (as an installer, ofcourse) - without
> getting a confirmation from me - you cannot be a candidate. You can't just
> arrive and ask to install Linux to others.
> 2) Once you are confirmed - you will have to get to the installers meeting
> which will be on November 10th (next Monday), in Taub Building (CS
> department), room #3 (0th (E) floor), in the Technion, at 18:30.
> 3) You will have to install nothing but the distribution which was decided
> in the first place (Redhat 9.0 is the official distribution), and the
> extraCD package which was specifically designed for this instaparty (more
> details will be in the meeting).
> As I said - not all candidates will be approved, and if you're missing
> information, or you can stay in the party for a short time (can be changed
> - depends on the other candidates, schedules, etc.), or you don't think
> that you can install Linux but all you want is to "try" - I'm sorry, but
> you will not be approved. We might filter some installers during the
> installers meeting as well, as we need to stay with 20 maximum (the number
> of good candidates is not filtered before this meeting, unless you miss
> relevant info, etc, as I mentioned earlier).
> Your details, as well as other comments, flames, etc. about this email (if
> you have) - should be sent to ME only, as a reply.
> If you read it all that far... :) I wish you all good luck, and I hope to
> see you as an installer.
> Best regards.

Adir Abraham
Technion's Advisors Group and Public PC Farms Manager
Haifa, Israel
ICQ# 1841481
Cel# +972-53-243438, +972-55-481245
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