
I did as Tzafrir Cohen suggested and installed postfix from:
It seems to me that this installation demolished everything regarding sendmail.

Note: The installation procedure crashed at first and I was required to setup a user named postfix and a group named postdrop which is not the group of postfix user. You would do better if you set it up beforehand.

The installation procedure prepared a default configuration file /etc/postfix/ and other template configuration files. I used the default one and modified it.
After some simple configuration operations listed below in the configuration file /etc/postfix/ I started postfix in a similar way as one starts any other service just that it is the postfix command in /usr/sbin and not a script in /etc/init.d
postfix start.

Note: every time you change information in the configuration file /etc/postfix/ you should restart postfix service.

sending messages is simple: use sendmail command (it is not the old sendmail anymore) or use the old but not good mail command. both can receive data from stdin.

In addition to the configuration directive listed below by Tzafrir I had to add the line:
myhostname = smtp

This line identifies the sender machine on the domain. Since I do not know my machines official name in the domain of my ISP (did I mention that those people are OK?) I used the name of their smtp server as you can see in the configuration line.

I did not have to do the last bit Tzafrir wrote with the append_dot_domain thing.

I found postfix a much easier tool to configure compared to sendmail and therefore I recommend it.

Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 10:15:25PM +0200, David Harel wrote:

Hi all,

I want my cron activity to send mail to my address - [EMAIL PROTECTED] using the simple mail command or similar mail client that reads from stdin and does not have a GUI.
I remember I should setup but I do not remember how. Does anyone?

Any particular reason for using sendmail?

Postfix is my personal favorite.

IIRC you need to change from the default configuration:

mydomain =

 # this is the MX entry . works on 012
 relayhost = $mydomain

and maybe also:
# This is useful if your local username is the same as the ISP account
# name. append_dot_domain = yes

-- Thanks.

David Harel,


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