I've manned around and found putenv(3) which changes and edits
environment variables..
What I need is to toggle the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL var in a running proccess .
Shouldn't that be enough?
Isn't putenv supposed to work on a running proccess?

On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 09:38:21 +0300, Nadav Har'El
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2004, Shachar Shemesh wrote about "Re: Manipulating an environment 
> variable of a running proccess...":
> > >Hi, I'm trying to manipulate a running procces's environment variable
> > >while it's running.
> > Hook it like a debugger, and change it's runtime environment. It's your
> > only more-or-less sane option.
> But note that whether this will work will depend on the actual program.
> If a program calls getenv() only when it needs a value, you'll be fine
> (but you can have the danger of a race condition, if you accidentally change
> the environment while it is being read).
> But if the program in question copies the environment to a different place
> in memory after reading it (e.g., I suppose shells do that), and use that
> copy instead of the original one, you'll have to know exactly what the
> program does to know where and how to change its concept of the environment
> variables.
> --
> Nadav Har'El                        |    Thursday, Jul 15 2004, 26 Tammuz 5764
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
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