On Tue, Aug 31, 2004 at 05:34:15PM +0300, Anatoly Vorobey wrote:

> Can you surreptitiously modify LD_PRELOAD for the user who'll be running 
> ps/top (by modifying their startup files or whatever)? If you can, write 
> a tiny library that redirects open() to itself and, in 
> case a process is trying to open /proc/<your pid>/stat, writes out a 
> similar file in a different private location, opens that instead, and 
> returns the descriptor to the process. If your library is tiny enough 
> and the argument check is the first thing its modified open() does, no 
> one will notice the performance penalty.

That could work, but probably not with replacing the file, but rather
with hijacking every open/read/close call, keeping hold of which are
referring to to interesting files, and substituting my own
information. I did this once with ptrace, it's not pleasant, but it

Anyway, thank you everyone for the answers and interesting
discussions. I think we have pretty much established that there's no
easy way to do it. 

Muli Ben-Yehuda
http://www.mulix.org | http://mulix.livejournal.com/

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