Quoting Aviram Jenik, from the post of Thu, 28 Oct:
> On Thursday 28 October 2004 17:11, Yehuda Tzadik wrote:
> > Banks and government institutions must
> > according to the law to support all the
> > browsers.This does not include Bank
> > Hapoalim which is a private bank.
> > So what this banks do is against the
> > law.
> >
> > Someone who has the money and time
> > can submit a "Bagatz" against them.
> If somebody volunteers to organize it (=take care of the "time" part) I'm 
> willing to help raise the required sum (=take care of the "money" part).

is this not the kind of things that Hamakor was founded for? :-)

No fins, no scales
Ira Abramov

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