Baruch Even <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> My memory claims there is an option to set inline according to
> complexity, but then my memory tends to invent things it wants (a hot
> sun for example).

That exists, as well as -finline-limit=N. However, Shachar's effect
seems weird, assuming it is normal inlined class members he is talking
about. I just tried a trivial program with gcc-3.2.3-42
gdb-6.1post-1.20040607.17 on RHEL WS 3 (sorry, cannot reproduce the
environment here), and I was able to step through class members
without -O, but not with -O. I expected this. I also restore the
ability to step through class members if I use -O -fno-default-inline.

However, Shachar, what are those inlines exactly? You mentioned
std::string and auto_ptrs. Are you dealing with templates? Things can
get tricky that way. Can you post a trivial code example that exhibits
the problem? At least we'll be able to try that on different versions
of g++.

I assume that you cannot step through with either ddd or gdb, right?
(IIRC ddd has gdb inside and presumably does not do anything on its
own accord).

Oleg Goldshmidt | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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