
Thank you for your detailed suggestions, however I can no longer reproduce the
problem; someone probably corrected it over the weekend. I'll continue the hunt
when the problem reappears.

> >
> Seems like an ack storm, but I really can't decipher tcpdump's analysis. 
> Can you send me a snapshot in output mode (tcpdump -w file -s 1500)?
> Also, do traceroute to the destination you mention. Then (assuming you 
> have hping installed) do "hping dst -p 443 -S -L 0 -T -M 1234567" 
> (replace dst with the right IP address). Hit ^Z every time it gets 
> stuck, and let it run until you start seeing "SA" rather than "TTL 
> expired". This should let us see whether it's a transparent proxy 
> somewhere along the road. Do the same replacing 443 with 80.
>          Shachar

Dan Kenigsberg        ICQ 162180901

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