On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 11:17:22PM +0000, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yedidyah Bar-David) writes:
> > Fine for you, but what would you recommend for a new user (a learning
> > programmer, not a naive user)?
> In my mind, this is a good scheme. Not the only one possible, but I
> see advantages in using it.
> Putting "." in PATH is a security issue that a learning programmer
> should understand. The difference between an unpriviledged user and
> root should also be understood. Avoiding shadowing of system utilities
> is a general principle that a learning programmer should also think
> about.

Well, I am not sure. I use unix for 13 years now, almost never
had . in my path, and am very comfortable with this.

> > BTW, today was my last day as a sysadmin at tau. 
> Good luck in whatever you do next.


> > So gradually I will stop thinking about these matters.
> Are you leaving computing altogether? I mean, I have never been a
> sysadmin at TAU but I think about these issues... ;-)

I do not leave computing, but I am not sure I will soon (e.g. in
the next few years) work again in a place serving studying programmers.

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