Quoting David D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> [this is my second attempt. The first one didn't make
> it to the list]
> OK, I know how to google, and I have read several
> documents, but almost all of them talk about
> ideological (license) differences of the two systems.
> What I am interested in is the differences in
> performance, ease of use and administer.
> Unfortunately, I haven't seen any comperative
> benchmark except for this one:
> http://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/archive/00000193/01/SCAW.ppt
> (html version http://tinyurl.com/9cqe3)
> Can anyone on this list share his/her own experience
> and/or recommend on one either MOSIX or OpenMosix
> (religion and idiology aside)
> Thank you

Q: If you had to choose for a production system between a project 
written and maintained by  CS students as a thesis research problem 
and a fork of said project maintained by a Byte column writer at his
spare time which would you choose?

I don't knwo what the answer is, but sometime asking the right questions is the
right thing to do.


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