On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 01:55:50PM +0300, Boris Gorelik wrote:
> On Thu May 26 2005 12:29, Yedidyah Bar-David wrote:
> >
> > Removing /opt/gcc322 from where? From PATH or from LD_LIBRARY_PATH?
> removing as in "rm -fr" (or "mv gcc322 /tmp/gcc322.backup")

OK. You did not state exactly what you did, so I'll have to guess.
You compiled stuff, using shared libs from this new gcc. You somehow
made the execs find those libs (e.g. LD_LIBRARY_PATH or -rpath).
Then you deleted it, and they can't find the shared libs.

You can't solve the problem without this removed gcc. Do you have

You can compile and install gcc322 again, and hope you got the exact
same binaries. This will probably work, but there were in the past
versions of gcc that were dependant on the compilation environment.
So you theoretically might get different binaries if you changed
something in your system (e.g. gcc/libc/binutils versions).

Assuming you did restore or recompile gcc322, your binaries will work.

If you can also recompile the binaries, you can statically-link them
so that they do not need the shared libs.

If you can't, you can try a program called statifier (search freshmeat),
which I never used, which creates a static exec from a dynamic one+libs.

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