Umm...  As far as I could see there's not easy way of doing it.

Here's a small sample application I wrote... hopefully it'll help you.

get_ip,c: Get the first IP assigned to an Ethernet device.
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
#include <linux/inetdevice.h>
#include <linux/netdevice.h>

MODULE_AUTHOR("Gilboa Davara");

static int ethernet_id = 0;
MODULE_PARM_DESC(ethernet_id,"Ethernet device to display");

static int __init test_startup(void)
        struct net_device *device;
        struct in_device *in_dev;
        struct in_ifaddr *if_info;
        char dev_name[20];
        __u8 *addr;

        device = dev_get_by_name(dev_name);
        in_dev = (struct in_device *)device->ip_ptr;
        if_info = in_dev->ifa_list;

        addr = (char *)&if_info->ifa_local;
        printk(KERN_WARNING "Device %s IP: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",

        return 0;       

static void __exit test_exit(void)


On Thu, 2005-06-30 at 13:45 +0300, Amir Binyamini wrote:
> Hello,
>         Is there a way to get in a kernel module the ip address which is 
> assigned
>         to eth0 ?
>        (for the simplicity let's assume that there is only eth0 and no
>        eth0:1 and so on  ; and that there is another ethN (where N>1).
>        I of course know about the ifconfig of net-tools, but this
>       is a user space app which opens a socket; I want to get the IP address
>       of eth0 in a module in kernel space
>       I assume that there is an IOCTL call which does this but googling
>       did not gave much success.
>       Regards,
>               Amir
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