On Wed, 2006-02-15 at 00:37 +0000, Shlomi Shalem wrote:
> Hey all,
> I have a strange problem, hope you guys are able to help:)
> Anyway, a few months ago I installed Slack 10.1 and everything goes well 
> until now, except one thing: my swap partition is not working! I mean, 
> my physical memory is always standing on somrthing like 96% used but my 
> swap is totally empty. This happens also when my computer is no running 
> any heavy processes, and when it does, no matter what, my swap remains 
> empty and useless...
> What could it be?


There's nothing wrong with your system.
Linux uses most/all of the free memory for disk cache.
In-order to view how your memory is being either type:
$ free
$ cat /proc/meminfo

Furthermore you can view the system's willingness (so to speak) to drop
pages into the swap by reading /proc/sys/vm/swappiness

$ cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness

Where 0 means "swap only if absolutely necessary", and 100 means "swap
when-ever possible".
In-order to change this value: (from console, as root)

$ echo [0...100] > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness


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