Probably the problem that into symbolic link you have absolute and not relative 
Can you check this by "ls -l"?


>  -------Original Message-------
>  From: Ori Idan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Subject: Symbolic links at tar file
>  Sent: 18 Feb '06 18:11
>  I have a source tree which some of the files are actually symbolic links
>  to other files in the same tree.
>  I compress the tree using tar cjf file.tar.bz2 dir
>  When I extract the files to the same machine everything works fine.
>  When I  extract the files to another machine with same directory
>  strucuture (the directories before the source tree) everything works
>  fine but extracting it on another machine with different path it seems
>  the symbolic links are not created.
>  For example:
>  On my machine the source tree is at: /home/ori/stree
>  On the other machine the source tree is at /home/user1/stree
>  If on the other machine I would extract it to /home/ori, everything
>  works fine.
>  It seems as if tar works with absolute path names for the symbolic links.
>  Anyone knows how to tell it to work with relational names?
>  --
>  Ori Idan
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