On Sat, Apr 08, 2006, Dov Grobgeld wrote about "Bank Leumi site lack of 
adherence to web standards":
> Since there has been some talk on this list about various not working
> with Linux, I thought I would report on a phone conversation that I
> had last night with the technical support of the Bank Leumi web site.
> mentioning of Linux, he said was the second complaint about that
> Linux, he had ever heard...

This person is either a very new at his job, or a lier...

I personally complained on this issue as well, so unless the two of us
are the only two who ever complain, his count is simply wrong.

By the way, my call to their support center (a few years ago) was almost
surreal. I was sitting with my banker going over my investments, when I
said to her that I was sick and tired of not being able to see my account
from my own computer because don't support Linux. "Linux?" she said, "What's
that?". I tried to explain what Linux, Mozilla, and even Macintosh (!)
were, until she simply connected me to the Bank Leumi guys that you called,
and she listened in on the conversation. What they told me basically amounted
to "f*ck you, we don't care about you", similar to the response you got.

So the situation was that my banker was very much interested to keep my
business, but couldn't help me, and yet the people in Bank Leumi who could
help me couldn't care less, and wouldn't lift a finger. Typical behavior
from large, we-already-have-too-much-profits, companies. Unfortunately, it's
also typical behavior of IT departments in such companies: they think they
can get away with anything just because they appear to be experts: they think
they can even get away with falsehoods like "it costs money not to use
IE-specific Javascript".

A few months later, I found out that Leumi had an alternative site, almost
an archeological site (apparently, it's an old site they once had that still
works) - and amazingly that works. Apparently, Leumi once *had* a site that
works on all browsers, but they actually spent money on *breaking* it - the
complete opposite from what this guy told you on the phone.

The old site still works, by the way (at least, it worked when I tried a
few days ago). I don't remember the URL now, but you can search in this
list's archives.

Nadav Har'El                        |        Sunday, Apr 9 2006, 11 Nisan 5766
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |Learn from mistakes of others; you won't
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |live long enough to make them all yourself

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