On 4/24/06, Shlomi Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Yonah.
> On Monday 24 April 2006 10:56, Yonah Russ wrote:
> > Google is a bunch of Anti-Semites.
> Why? Because they did not include "Israel" in the Google Analytics country
> choice? That may imply this action is anti-Israeli, but it's not anti-Semite.
> There's a difference here.

That was more to get your attention than anything else- it worked- right?

> For all we know this problem may have not been an official Google policy, and
> will be promptly corrected. So it wouldn't be honest to label Google with
> being "anti-Semite".

Companies like google should not go public with "non-policy" websites. Besides,
a) several people have told me that in the past Analytics allowed the
choice of Israel so this has apparently been removed on purpose.
b) Palestinian territory was never included in any "stock" country
list I found on the web when creating a website.

> And for the record, Google employs several Israelis and Jews, have an Israeli
> office, and have set up the http://www.google.co.il/ localised portal. So it
> would be a stretch to say they are anti-Israeli.

As I've told others, unfortunately I know many anti-semetic Jews.
In any case, my point is that google has taken a side in our little
conflict and I don't believe it to be a valid one.

> > You can read the details on my blog:
> >
> > http://www.yonahruss.com/2006/04/google-supports-terrorism.html
> >
> Again? Google "supports terrorism"? Your argument seems to stem from the fact
> that they did not include Israel yet included "malevolent" countries. In this
> case, the problem is with not including Israel, not with including these
> countries, which does not imply supporting terrorism.

I would be satisfied if they included Israel.
I would be happy if they included Israel and deleted Palestinian Territory
I would be ecstatic if they included Israel and refused to include
terrorist states.

> > I suggest everyone write an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > complaining about this injustice.
> >
> I have signed up for Google analytics, and once I will be able to register, I
> see if the problem you mentioned still persists, and if so will write them a
> polite letter asking them to correct it.

If you want I can send you an invitation code :P

> Meanwhile, please stop the labelling and accusations.

Unfortunately, without a large amount of people to sway their opinion,
I doubt my single email will change their policy or "lack thereof".

If you think that it is improper for them not to include Israel, I
still suggest you write an email.

You could also comment on and digg the story:


> Regards,
>         Shlomi Fish
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Shlomi Fish      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Homepage:        http://www.shlomifish.org/
> 95% of the programmers consider 95% of the code they did not write, in the
> bottom 5%.

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