Hello Gilad,
You are doing a big jump here.  Let's try to walk a small step at a

1. Start with diffing two files i.e. don't use the -X options or the
   -pBbNaur which requires several searches through man diff to verify.
   After the two-file compare works, try to add back those options.
2. Check the way you enter regular expressions by, for example,
   echo '\$Header' and egrepping your files with the same regular
   (From my check, under bash and using egrep, '\$Header' is the correct
   way to match a line with the string '$Header' - so you got that part
3. You wrote '\$Auther' - shouldn't it be '\$Author'?
4. If you did not solve the problem yourself by now, show the actual
   output from diff'ing two files with the unwanted blocks.
   Also specify exactly which you shell you used (I tested under
   bash 2.05b.0(1)-release).
   We'll know better where to look for the problem.
                                              --- Omer

On Tue, 2006-07-11 at 21:09 +0300, Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:
> Howdie,
> I am trying to diff a vanilla vs. a vendor supplied linux kernel source 
> tree.
> Some dweeb at the vendor has put the Linux kernel into CVS, causing 
> every line with $Id, $Revision, $Date, $Source etc. in the Linux kernel 
> to mutate.
> I'm trying to generate a diff that doesn't include these random changes 
> but does include the real changes that occurs between the two trees.
> Now, diff has an option, -I, via one can provide a regexp and blocks of 
> changed lines that all contain the regexp will not get to the output.
> The problem is that I tried various combiniations and none worked:
> diff -X ti_dontdiff  -pBbNaur -X dontdiff this-kernel/ that-kernel/ -I 
> '\$Id' -I '\$Header' -I '\$Date' -I '\$Source' -I '\$Auther'
> and also:
> diff -X ti_dontdiff  -pBbNaur -X dontdiff this-kernel/ that-kernel/ -I 
> '\$Id|\$Header|\$Date|\$Source|\$Auther'
> but to no avail. Anyone care to help a poor regexp challanged bugger?
> Thanks,
> Gilad

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