On Wed, Jul 26, 2006, Micha Silver wrote about "Re: Israel map site that work 
with firefox?":
> >Oh, and for anyone thinking of undertaking such a project: please, before
> >you start, contact the "censura" and ask for guidelines on areas which must
> >not be mapped: I'd hate to see Hizballah choosing its targets from our free
> >map...
> If arutz 2 can user Google Earth to show Bint Jbel,  then Hizballah can 
> surely do the same to find Haifa.

Any mapping project (free or non-free) cannot "hide" an entire city, but it
is not uncommon that specific factories, bases, and so on are simply not
there on the map. The (printed) map I have in my car, for example, shows a
bunch of areas around Haifa as empty. Many of them indeed are (unused areas,
agricultural areas, and so on), but some of them are actually the location
of factories, bases, and so on, that the map prefers not to show. I am
guessing that it wasn't only the goodness of their heart, but there is
probably some Israeli law forbidding them from mapping certain kinds of
"secret" or "strategic" locations.

Hmm, as sometimes happen, my random (I swear!) signature below came out
somewhat relevant to my post :-)

Nadav Har'El                        |        Wednesday, Jul 26 2006, 1 Av 5766
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
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http://nadav.harel.org.il           |plowshares will plow for those who don't.

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