Uri Even-Chen wrote:

On 7/27/06, Geoffrey S. Mendelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You're confusing free as in the GPL and free as in beer. The GPL does not restrict people from charging for their products, it requires that if you
release the source code for them.

But is it or is it not legal to install the binary (compiled) version
on more computers without a license?
Yes. You are not allowed to connect to their update service from the non-licensed computer, but they cannot stop you from installing it on a new machine inside your organization.

You are not allowed (according to RedHat) to give me a copy of the disc, unless you first remove the two trademarked files. Otherwise, all is fine.
It looks as if this gray area is big enough, so that it could happen
that companies will take a distribution of Linux, modify it, maybe add
some proprietary software to it, and then sell it as a proprietary
software - like MS-Windows.
It has been done before, after all.
  They may also include technical means to
prevent people from installing it without a license (such as
"activation" in Windows XP).
They cannot, in actuality. First of all, it is a GPL violation to modify the kernel in such a way. Section 6: Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.

Changing the kernel to only work on specific hardware, or using specific keys, could be read as a violation of the above.

In any case, the company is required to distribute the sources to any such change to the kernel, which would make any such modification moot.

They can attach the license to non-GPLed components, but then only those components will be protected by it.
  The yearly subscription for online
security patches is a step in this direction.
I can understand that RedHat wishes to make money from the distribution. I have no qualm with that. I do protest the fact they are using scare tactics in order to do so, as well as the fact that they do not seem to be giving back their money's worth in support.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.
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