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On 9/11/06, Nadav Har'El <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think everything is a tradeoff. Say it costs $100 a day to do this sort
of surveilance on someone: let's say this (made up) cost includes lawyer
fees (somebody had to convince that judge to issue an order), computer
operator fees, hardware fees, and of course, the cost of someone to actually
do something with your mail. If this surveilance carries on for a month,
it would cost $3,000.
If these prices were correct (and as I said, I just made them up), would
the US blink for a second before investing $3,000 a month to follow Bin Laden?
Of course not - they are already spending millions to chase him.

I called him Osama, not Bin Laden.  It's just an example.  He can be
anybody, including you and me.

This is a different issue. Being "probed" by undercover agents sounds
like a harmless, routine, work of the Shabak. For your phone to be tapped,
they would need a court order, but it's also a relatively routine (and
simpler) thing for them to do. Going after your email is harder to pull
off, and is more of a "one-off" project (each person's email will require
different techniques to tap, and not every two-bit cop can do this).

Actually, I suspect that court orders are needed only for "ordinary"
police investigations.  I think the Mossad, Shabak, etc, don't abide
to laws, and they can do what they want.  If you heard about what
happened in other countries, for example New Zealand, Switzerland,
Italy (Vaanunu), Norway, Jordan, how they assassinated people in Gaza
and West Bank ("the engineer") etc - you can see that they do what
they want.  So I think also in Israel, they can tap phones without
court orders, for "security" reasons.

So what? I don't think that Google would give a rat's *** if some Mossad
agent came to them with the plea "please help us catch that tree-hugging
terrorist from Israel". If you suspect that Google do care, switch to
another email provider that doesn't. If animal rights are important to
you, maybe you can consider www.care2.com.

Google, as a company, don't have to be involved.  It can be either
done by someone working at Google (and also for somebody else), or it
can be done by the United States intelligence, with something like
"carnivore".  The United States intelligence will probably cooperate
with the Mossad, if they where after someone as dangerous as Osama, or
me :-) Maybe they're more afraid from nonviolent "terrorists" than
from violent ones.  After all, I do admit to the most dangerous crime
of being a pacifist.  It's contagious!


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