On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, Ira Abramov wrote:

Israel is one of the first countries in the world to have a digital
signature law that allows to identify the signer even without his
testimony, however, the law is not complete because it only deals with
"digital signatures" and does not specify cryptographic sigs, what
algorithems and who are the recognized CAs.

but we are moving towards it. for instance I send all my tax invoices
today by Email, via web forms at a company that creates a signed PDF and
sends it to the customer for me, and it's recognized by Rashuyot HaMas.

In the states and canada this has been standard for years. There is a secific software package to use for it. I don't know what is signed how but it is crypted for sure.

for a few months (in this time the average windoze user will have
wiped his disk and reinstalled at least twice, thus erasing any
possibility to trace it in your logs) and then claim a refund on the

well, once it's backed by the law, losing your digital sig will be as
stupid and painful as losing your ID card, or worse. people will take a
bit more care.

Lose which signature exactly ? According to the riaa a logfile from an isp is signature enough to bring you to court over undefined charges (to be determined later). iow, all your messages ARE already signed as I bothered to write before. A law that makes any such signatures legally binding (and thus including the isp log method, by precedent, since they do not disawow it), is an accident waiting to happen.


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