I have a strange problem with a codec that "seems" to be missing, but is in 
fact installed. Here's the story:

My daughter wants to see a video from this site: 

According to the site it's a Winamp stream using VP6

I tried every player I have installed on my box (mplayer, XMMS, VLC Kaffeine 
and several others) with no success. 

I tried playing directly from the site and also downloaded the m3u file to 
open directly on the desktop. I'm attaching that file.

VLC plays the audio but not the video. In View --> Stream and Media Info --> 
Advanced Information shows that the stream uses the VP62 codec.

mplayer doesn't play anything.

According to www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/codecs-status.html the VP62 codec is 
supported and the file name is vp6vfw.dll.

I have all codecs installed:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ rpm -qa|grep codec

And the specific codec I think I need also exists:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ locate vp6vfw.dll

What am I missing?

Shlomo Solomon
Sent by KMail (KDE 3.5.4) on LINUX Mandriva 2007

Attachment: My_Girl_-_Episode_01.m3u
Description: audio/mpegurl

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