On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 11:27:59AM +0200, Ohad Levy wrote:
> the PRI context
> [from-pri]
> X_.,1,answer

This must be a copy/paste error. I figure you meant:


("_X." rather than "X_."). A "_" at the beginning of the extension name
means it should be parsed as a pattern extension. This gives special
meaning to "X", "." and others.

So the above mean: 

1. First-off answer the call
2. Now attempt to connect it to a specific SIP destination.

Automatically answering an incoming call may not be the best idea.
Suppose that the destination phone was busy. You still told the PRI
provider that the call was accepted, and hence the call will be charged.

Dial will answer calls when it is able to connect it with the
destination, so an explicit Answer() is not required.

Ido already gave some comments about a better usage of SIP peers rather
than mearly "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", so I'll assume you have a peer set up
for that destination, called "dest-peer". In that case you could use:


instead. This allows a better definition of codecs and such. You may
also want to dial an explicit number to the destination. For example:


(this dials there the number that was dialed to you, in case you have
more than one)

Tzafrir Cohen         | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | VIM is
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] |                    |  best
ICQ# 16849754         |                    | friend

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