Shlomo Solomon wrote:
> This has been discussed before regarding other banks, but I don't remember 
> Bank Discount being mentioned.
> Can anybody say if the bank's site works in any Linux browser. I've had no 
> luck with FF, Konq or Opera. I gt th mainpge, but no icons or liks are 
> clickable.
I work with FF and Debian. Debian renamed FireFox due to trademark
reasons, which causes Discount to decide it's an unsupported browser.
You have to tell iceweasel to identify itself as firefox (there is an
option in about:config for that), and you will get further.

Firefox support, at least on Linux, is not so good. The site is a nested
javascript mess with secondary, and possibly tretionary requests galore.
The actual account management works on a probabilistic basis. Sometimes
it does, sometimes it doesn't. Your mileage may vary. Profoundly. Over
the course of repeated refreshes.


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