On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 02:24:01PM +0200, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
> Hi,
> I have 2 questions:
> 1. Does anyone have any good recommendation for a good text editor
> that supports HTML highlighting, Auto completion and *Good* Hebrew
> support? I have tried few already, but when it comes to Hebrew text
> embedding inside a file (like writing Hebrew paragraphs in PHP or
> HTML) it starting to be messy, specially when trying to editing the
> Hebrew written text.

Under a very specific definition for "Good", VIM has all of this. The only
problem (beside this being VIM) is that you are expected to :set rl explicitly
in order to flip the direction of lines. The bonus is, that VIM's own input
method (:set hk) translates keys to Hebrew, so there's no need to solve your
Q.2. The attached file makes things a little easier if put in
~/.vim/plugin/hebrew.vim .

> 2. VNC question: I'm connecting to my Linux through VNC (the client is
> running on XP with Real VNC), but when I'm trying to use setxkb, I get
> "XKB extenstion not present on 1:0". Is there a way to add this
> extension to VNC so I can type in Hebrew?

Dan Kenigsberg        http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~danken        ICQ 162180901

-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --

" keyboard mappings that support Hebrew
" Thanks to Tzafrir Cohen and Nadav Har'el

set allowrevins
map  <F12>  :set invrl invhk
map! <F12> :set invrl invhk
cmap <F12> 
map  <F11>  :set invri invhk
map! <F11> :set invri invhk
cmap <F11> 

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