Hi there,

At first this sounds real stupid so I apologize.
I fail to connect to zap.co.il. other computers (MS) on my network go
there with out any problems but another Gentoo (k2.4 and not updated at
all) also fails to connect.
Didn't notice any other site with similar problems.
I tried everything I could.
1. removed all protection definition on the firewall.
2. removed all port forwarding on the firewall.
3. removed all services on my client.
4. changed my IP
5. switched to wireless connection.
6. tried different browsers such as FF, LYNX, IEs for Linux (IE6 on
wine), Opera (lynx says: HTTP request sent; waiting for response).
7. tried via different user.
8. telnet zap.co.il 80
9. use older kernel 2.6.20-gentoo-r8.
10. check if I have iptables filtering things.

My current configuration:
Gentoo updated almost to the last bit. (had trouble with openssh openssl...)
Kernel 2.6.23-gentoo-r3
HW: Fujitsu Siemens S7020 laptop (intel dual...w 2G)


David Harel,


Home office +972 77 7657645
Fax:        +972 77 7657645
Cellular:   +972 54 4534502
Snail Mail: Amuka
            D.N Merom Hagalil

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