This script builds "name file:line" table from object/exe file. It is
easy to make tags from this.
        nm --defined $1 | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | addr2line -e bin/eb_client
> /tmp/lines
        nm --defined $1 | cut -f 3 -d ' ' > /tmp/name
        paste /tmp/name /tmp/lines

On Jan 15, 2008 12:57 PM, Leonid Podolny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, list,
> This letter is probably better suited to hackers-il, but I need help
> from people that are better acquainted with a development process of gcc.
> This morning, while browsing through pages of frustratingly irrelevant
> cscope output, I got an idea. In every kosher *nix development
> environment, the cross-references (i.e. "jump to definition of this
> struct/function") are built by some crippled 3rd party tool (such as
> ctags, cscope or home-brewed set of elisp scrips). On the other hand,
> the only tool that actually knows what is going on during compilation is
> gcc, so it's only logical that it should build cross-references along
> the way.
> It would be simply fantastic. The index would reflect the actual set of
> #ifdef's I currently work with. It would always point you to the header
> file that was actually #include-d. It would be immediately useful to
> almost everyone in FOSS world.
> I have a couple of ideas, how it might be tailored into gcc running
> sequence. However, I'm a humble gcc user  and I have almost no
> experience with its inner workings.
> The idea by itself is so obvious and on-the-surface that it everyone
> using gcc must come up with it sooner or later. There must be a very
> sound technical reason not to do so. What is it?
> --
>   Leonid Podolny       |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                        |
>   Software Engineer    |  +972- 3-7668960
>   Linux Platform Team  |  +972-54-5696948
> =================================================================
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Constantine Shulyupin
Freelance Embedded Linux Engineer

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